Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GIS 1: Lab 4

Goal: To map bear locations and find suitable bear habitats in a study area located in Marquette County.
o Background: The purpose of the mapping exercise was to find suitable bear habitats based on most popular habitat types, distances from streams and urban areas and areas that are within DNR managed lands.
o Methods: To attain this data, I used tools such as buffer, clip, dissolve, intersect, erase, spatial join, summarized spatial join and spatial query. I also created a flow model to keep track of the tools and outputs used in this exercise.
o Results: The map results show that the most suitable habitats for bears are in the northern portion of the study area. This makes sense because this is also where we find the most bears in the study area. The lower portion of the study area has a fair amount of suitable habitats, but almost none of them reside more than 5 kilometers away from urban areas.

Flow Model

Monday, April 15, 2013

GIS 335: Lab 3

Introduction: The goal of this lab was to individually collect GPS data and transform it into a map
Methods: I learned how to use and collect line point and polygon data on ArcPad for a Juno GPS unit
Results: The results show a few new grassy areas, tree locations and light post locations that have been placed on top of an old campus image. After the remodeling of campus, pathways, lights and trees have been moved to different locations, and grassy areas have changed shape, size and location.